Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Experience tells me...

I've got a problem.  I burnt my arm, right on the biceps and the flab the other day.  It's about two inches long and a half an inch across, the oven was set to 450.  The skin blistered and fell off in the center of the burn leaving that ugly yellowness behind.  The last two days has seen an increase in redness around the burn site. I'm applying anti-biotic ointment but I'm not sure it's helping.  I just dug out the non-washable pen and traced the area, we'll see what it looks like in another 8 hours.  I need this like I need a hole in the head right now.  

1 comment:

Kenlie said...

Oh no...I hope it's much better now than it was when you posted. I'll check on twitter.