Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Magical and Revolutionary

Too bad Apple doesn't make new knees.


Anonymous said...

A truly excellent physical therapist could, perhaps, help you increase your willingness to endure a bit more pain while you increase your strength. It can be extremely hard to find the right person to work with you, but when that happens...wow. So worth it. I was almost immobilized with back pain, and tried several PTs before I connected with a woman who inspired me and worked really hard to create therapeutic/healing routines for me that worked. I've seen similar results for others. I know yours is a unique pathology, but I can't help thinking you deserve much better treatment.


Unknown said...

Hey Robin-- I had that PT once. She brought me out of depths of despair after they yanked my 3rd ACL. By summer I was the buffest I had ever been. Unfortunately I no longer have that health insurance and am limited by the red tape of my health insurance company and my PCP. Sigh. I am not going to pay 20$ for a 30 minute appointment that consists of 10 minutes of warm up. 10 minutes of actual exercise and then 10 minutes of icing.
Sigh. I need some motivation though. My therapist is convinced I'll find it again. I suspect that's possible. These shots are certainly doing their job! Less pain makes for a happier and more willing Sarah.

Melissa said...

I was going to a great PT program, but was just cut off by my insurance. Now I'm struggling with maintaining the discipline at home to keep up with the exercises. I should also really get that pool membership so I could do the pool exercises as well. Perhaps we could help motivate one another.

Anonymous said...

The buddy system is working great for my girlfriend and me, in terms of making motivation a non issue. We have a set time we get together every week day (6:45 am). I know, EEEEK. But actually it's SO. MUCH. FUN!!!

She's in much better shape than I am, and she doesn't have the kind of pain issues I do, but we've created ways to get around those challenges. Our routine has really strengthened our friendship too.

I hope you can find something that helps you turn your own PT into playtime. (You too Melissa!)


anne said...

why are we not at least lifting together?

Kenlie said...

Hey...if we give Steve Jobs a little time he might just do it. ;) Or virtual knees...could that work? Just kiddin'..

Unknown said...

I know that because is not an answer. But because.